نکته و تست کلاسینو کنکور 99
نکته و تست کلاسینو کنکور 98

خبر فوری برای کنکوری ها !!!

40 درصد زیست کنکور به صورت رایگان هدیه ما به شما

برای دریافت شمارتو وارد کن و دریافت رو بزن

  • استاد :

  • مقطع :

  • حجم جزوه :

  • تاریخ : 23/11/22

  • تعداد بازدید : 183

  • نظرات : ۰

  • نویسنده : Konkuru Konkuru

کتاب کار جامع زبان انگلیسی پایه ی دهم عرفان نعیمی

کتاب کار جامع زبان انگلیسی پایه ی دهم عرفان نعیمی

کتاب کار جامع زبان انگلیسی پایه ی دهم عرفان نعیمی

Simple ways to protect wildlife

one easy way to protect wildlife is learning about endangered animals that live around you.teach your friends and familyabout the wonderful birds fish and plants that live near your home.in this way they are going to be more careful about nature

You can also visit a national wildlife museum or park.these places give good information about how to protect endangered animals and their homes

You can do volantary work in these places to help animals and their babies another thing you can do is protecting the natural hone of the endangered animals when you keep nature clean and safe the animals will live longer  protecting the trees of forests is also helpful  if you live in a village you need to be very careful about the hunters who come to your village to hurt animals whenever you see these people youneed to call the police  these are simple works but they will help nature a lot.


True or False

learning about endangered animals is not important T   F

You can do voluntary work in wildlife parks  T   F

Keeping nature clean destroys animals T  F

Answer the following questions

is it good to give information to our family about wildlife

Yes it is good to get the information

Why is protecting the trees helpful for endangered animals

Because they will live linger

Do you know another simple way to protect wildlife

Not to killthem of feed them

Complete the chart  Write the things you did in the past and you will do in the future

Reza is thinking about his trip to kish and what he will do there look at the pictures and write what reza will do there


دسته بندی

جزوات , زبان انگلیسی

بخش دانلود

رمز فایل : www.konkuru.ir
منبع : www.konkuru.ir
فرمت فایل : pdf

مطالب مرتبط

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